What is NOUNZ?
NOUNZ is a knowledge management tool (KM) that helps you model and better understand your enterprise while simultaneously helping you simplify Master Data Management (MDM) and Data Governance (DG) for your enterprise reference data.

What are the benefits of a NOUNZ model?
Comprehensiveness: NOUNZ generates one model that combines other traditional models (Architecture Models, Business Analysis Models, Configuration Management Databases / CMDBs, etc.).
Speed: NOUNZ generates in minutes-to-days what would normally take an enterprise many weeks-to-months to generate with traditional tools and technologies.
Cost Savings: Because NOUNZ is faster and because it collapses numerous different models into one enterprise model, your enterprise saves on 1) technology costs and 2) labor costs.
What is Data Driven Compilation?
NOUNZ uses a concept called Data Driven Compilation (a.k.a. Data Driven Synthesis) to compile your enterprise model. It does this by using rules you create that help the compiler scour your data for traits and Semantic Relationships that are impossible to manually extract due to volume and time. What would normally take you many months can be achieved in minutes to days.
How is your enterprise model represented?
NOUNZ generates “Data Driven Websites.” A Data Driven Website is a static HTML website that is structured in the form of static HTML documents, which are interlinked with each other through a predefined IF4IT designed structural Ontology. You can traverse the model on a file system for limited stakeholder sharing or publish it to a web server for broader stakeholder sharing.
What stakeholders use NOUNZ models?
NOUNZ covers a broad range of useS for multiple enterprise stakeholders…
- Enterprise Architects (EAs) & Solutions Architects (SAs), who use Architecture Models
- Business Analysis & Technical Analysts, who use Data Models
- Operations staff & Call Center staff, who use CMDBs
- Data Governance (DG) & Master Data Management (MDM), who use Data Models